I am starting to get into the routine, but tomorrow that will all change. Tomorrow have to start waking up for 6:30 am workouts. Then continue on to morning chores, worship, school, lunch, break, work duties, dinner, study night/small group/one on ones, sleep. Its a crazy life here at CARM DTS. I am having a great time getting to know my team and connecting with them more and more each day in class or just hanging out and talking.
My team!
This week in class, we learned about the different characters of God, like holiness, justice, and faithfulness. Our speaker, Sam Sarvis, who is apart of the Bangkok Leadership Team of YWAM, shed some new light on all of those subjects especially when he talked about the sacrificed that Jesus made for us. He loved us so much that he didn't want us to suffer, it helped me think about it in a whole new way.
On Thursday night, we met our small group which we will meet together every Thursday night. My group is really great and even on the first night, we already started opening up to each other about our lives and our walks with the Lord. It was really cool to see God bond us through just a few hours together. I am really looking forward to see how that group bonds and becomes closer over the time we have together.
Riding on the back of Jerome's bike!
I also had to say goodbye to my mom a few days ago which was sad, but I am so blessed to have such an awesome mom, that she would fly to the other side of the world with me to make sure I was gonna be safe. We had such a great time exploring and seeing new things. I love you Mom!
Friday night was crazy. After dinner, everyone was playing volleyball and talking and music was playing. So Izeldi, Kayla and I went out there and of course they pulled me into the game, in which I was terrible. I even hit the ball over the 9 foot wall, so I just quit because I was hindering my team. After I quit, I decided the broken trampoline looked pretty fun, so I was jumping on it with Izeldi and doing some back handsprings and decided to do a front flip. Note: some of the springs on this trampoline were missing, so its wise to only stay on one side. So i did my flip and overturned and hit my face in two different places with the poles. One poles hit my chin and the other one hit my head. I was fine though, just a busted lip taught me to never go on that trampoline again.
Kayla (Arizona) Me, Izeldi (South Africa), Karleen (Canada) |
On the weekends, we have free days to do whatever we want, they give us money back every week to use for our meals which is great. But yesterday instead of all going our separate ways, we went on a little field trip. We met outside the house at 8 and jump into the back of a truck and drove a little bit to a ferry, where we got on and crossed the river. When we got to the other side of the river, we got on the back of motor bikes with one other person from our team and they took us to the water market. It was huge. We got time to walk through and see everything, this one was more of a food market, so we got to try a few different fruits and we saw some turtles and eels that you could pick and they would cook them for you, so sad. But that was really fun and cool. Then we got back on the bikes, then the ferry, then our truck and drove around and saw the Grand Palace again and then went to a huge mall downtown called Siam Paragon. We all split up and the first thing Kayla and I did was find some American food because we have eaten too much rice. We found the Pizza Company and the pizza was so delicious. Then we walked around, went in H&M, Forever 21, Gucci, Chanel and a bunch of car stores. It was two buildings with 8 floors of craziness, and so many people. After that, we met up with our team to see a movie, Jack Retcher. We were hanging out in the lobby of the movie theater when we say some of the Despicable Me minions walking around, so we ran after them and got a picture with them, it was great. The movie was great, and I learned at thai movie theater popcorn isn't as good as American movie theater popcorn, but that was okay, popcorn is popcorn. On the way home we got on the sky train and took it to a bus stop where we caught a bus which took us back to our villa and we walked home. Yesterday was so fun, and now we are just hanging around the house, some people are at church, but I'm going to go a little bit later with Kayla.

The water market!
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